Tuesday, 26 May 2009

An uncomplicated coffee

Coffee and tea in Uganda comes in two kinds - African and English - and you can spice the African version, if you wish. The difference between the two, in essence, is that African is boiled with the milk and English is not. Nescafe provides the coffee granules, so no difference here.

Comparably both are expensive, compared to fizzy drinks (x3 in the hotel) but you are always given (at least here) an option to have several cups, if you wish to, even if you don't.

I'm guessing that because water needs to be boiled here, so does the milk and so there is perhaps some extra issues in preparation. Problem is when you order a coffee in the morning you want it there and then, not 25 minutes afterwards. Today, I decided to take my business elsewhere due to the wait and found that even the most diligent cafe owner was struggling to deliver coffee, hot water and hot milk.

He told me he would "make the milk very, very fast", which turned out to be around ten minutes.

I guess there are all sorts of issues here, some of which I won't even know about, but I guess my learning is not to complain too much, unless I have a solution to offer for the delay...

Main blog entry (I hope) this afternoon.

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